ENRESA trusts again in Ingecid, this time for the execution of the contract of “Engineering services for the activities related to the ISFSI of the José Cabrera Nuclear Facility“.
The scope of the service includes various engineering activities necessary to comply with the safety and radiological protection conditions established by the Nuclear Safety Council, for the maintenance of the safe operation of the facility, and for the preparation and adaptation of the facility to the future phase of operation as an independent nuclear facility. Specifically, the Periodic Safety Review of the ISFSI will be carried out, activities associated with recoverability and life management will be developed, and the design modifications for the future operation of the ISFSI as an independent nuclear facility will be carried out.
This is a 5-year project, in which specialists in different disciplines such as radiological protection, civil-structural, mechanical, safety and licensing, electrical and instrumentation and control, physical safety and BIM coordination will work hand in hand. This multidisciplinary approach of the INGECID team is key to the success of the project.