

INGECID participates in the Conference on Innovation in Road Infrastructures -Bilbao, 3 Dec. 2018

3 December 2018

Jokin Rico, technical director of INGECID participates as a speaker at the Conference on Innovation in Road Infrastructures (Bilbao, 3 Dec. 2018), event organised at the School of Engineering of Bilbao – University of País Vasco, being the newspaper DEIA, one of the main organisers. 

The meeting brought together the heads of some of the most prestigious entities in the sector, on the occasion of the announcement by the Provincial Council, to carry out the integration of the so-called intelligent roads in the next sectorial plan.

INGECID, represented by its technical director, Dr. Jokin Rico, Civil Engineer, provided the practical vision of BIM (Building Information Modeling) in the construction of infrastructures, highlighting the added value of the company in terms of interconnection of commercial software, as well as in the development of customised applications.



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